El Goethe Institut abre una Convocatoria para Artistas Sonoros y Music@s: Postcolonial Recherche.
Esta convocatoria surge de Ensamble Recherche y el Goethe Institut para invitar a 10 artistas emergentes de la música y el arte sonoro para colaborar en una comunidad de investigación y creación musical al rededor de temáticas postcoloniales.
“This project aims to research (post-)colonialism and its consequences and to deal with this knowledge artistically, thus assuming an individual artistic stance. Further, the project aims to promote and support the 10 selected composers by giving them a voice and a platform for their artistic work. Ensemble Recherche wants to question its own patterns of valuation and gain a sensibility for promoting diversity and inclusion.”
La convocatoria Postcolonial Recherche cierra el próximo 30 de agosto consulta todas las bases en este LINK.