
Escucha la nueva canción de Kamasi Washington

Ambulante 2024
Escucha la nueva canción de Kamasi Washington “Streer Fighter Mas”, rumbo al estreno de su nuevo disco

Desde hace algunas semanas Kamasi Wahington anunció su regreso con la noticia de un nuevo álbum. Poco después nos dio la sorpresa con dos nuevas canciones. Y ya muy pronto podremos escuchar el nuevo disco de Kamasi Washington, este 22 de junio será el estreno de este nuevo material del que ya hemos podido escuchar  “Fists of Fury” y “The Space Travelers Lullaby”. Hoy comparte su tercer sencillo titulado “Street Fighter Mas”, que a través de su cuenta de Instagram lo acompaña con un manifiesto.

When I was younger, I was in between the end of the arcade generation and the beginning of the console generation. We used to go to this place called Rexall to play Street Fighter. At Rexall, there would be different people from different hoods there playing the game.It was the one place that was like an equalizer. It was just about how good you were at Street Fighter…for the most part. In other places, you were afraid of these dudes; there, you would just play the game and it was what it was, you know? I was really good at Street Fighter, so where the song really came from was me jokingly saying I was going to have my own theme song so that when I showed up to play Street Fighter they’d play my theme song before I came in, like a boxer. In the context of the album, it was the connection that we got with those guys in our neighborhood. We used to call them OGs, the older guys that we looked up to.

In a lot of ways, for me, video games was the way I connected with them because I was never affiliated with any gangs, but I knew them and I was cool with them and that was mainly through the video games. At an older age I thought how amazing would it be if the OGs could just play the game and solve their problems that way. The meaning within the scope of the record is a connection to the past and all of the many ways we can connect.




21 años hablando de cultura pop nos respaldan. También hacemos Festival Marvin.

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