
Los Ángeles Azules te regalan la canción perfecta para conquistar


Los Ángeles Azules nos regalan “Amor a Primera Vista” la canción perfecta para conquistar a tu crush.

Los Ángeles Azules nos tienen acostumbrados a que cualquier canción que sacan, se convierte en hit y “Amor a Primera Vista” no es la excepción.

La canción es una combinación entre esa cumbia sabrosona a la que Los Ángeles nos tienen bien acostumbrados y un reggaeton de ese tranquilo y sutil que le gusta a nuestras tías.


Además de que el video es una oda al folklor mexicano, podemos ver a los Ángeles, acompañados de Horacio Palencia coreando la canción, a la Beli con un look de chola con el cual nos arrancó más que suspiros y un solo de Lalo Ebratt dándole ese toque de reggaeton a “Amor a Primera Vista”.

Los Angeles Azules + Belinda + Lalo Ebratt + Horacio Palencia = la mejor canción del verano.

Sin duda alguna esta canción no podrá faltar en las próximas fiestas a las que vayas, te dejamos el video acá abajo.

Fotos vía Instagram

English Translation

I saw you pass by
With your angel face and ruby-colored eyes
Bright smile, I followed you, I don’t know
My instincts took me to you

I arrived to the bar,
I asked for a strong tequila to start
I saw you with your friends, I got near
With the excuse to ask you for a dance

The song that sounded encouraged us to have fun
Body with body, you and I, closely together
I whispered to your ear: “I like you and want you
To come with me tonight”

And drink the morning coffee with you
Wake you up with kisses, pleasing you in my bed
And look at your face, your smiling face
I want people to know that I love you and you love me
Without thinking of the past nor the present
I don’t care, my love, of knowing where you come from
If I’m the first or the last one on your list
I only know that it’s love at first sight

I’m leaving for now
But maybe I’ll come back tomorrow
And hopefully we see each other again
Because I had a great time with you

Even though I wanted it, I didn’t dare to say
Don’t leave, please stay for the love of God
I whispered to your ear: “I like you and want you
To sleep with me another night”

And drink the morning coffee with you
Wake you up with kisses, pleasing you in my bed
And look at your face, your smiling face
I want people to know that I love you and you love me
Without thinking of the past nor the present
I don’t care, my love, of knowing where you come from
If I’m the first or the last one on your list
I only know that it’s love at first sight

I’ve been addicted, girl
It was a pleasure to see you again
But it’s affecting me more
I saw your photo on the internet
Everything, everything, you truly have it all
Swag and a rebel with fashion
Maybe it was destiny
I want to see you again
All my path
Like the sunset
Often happens
Boredom never comes back

Without thinking of the past nor the present
I don’t care, my love, of knowing where you come from
If I’m the first or the last one on your list
I only know that it’s love at first sight



21 años hablando de cultura pop nos respaldan. También hacemos Festival Marvin.

Auditorio BB